BetwithBTC Reviews 6 • Poor
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Dorris Sadova 3 reviews
Jul 29, 2014 -
US Country
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Dont believe a word is writing. Its all bull!
- If you wonder why there are so many negative reviews written and posted online about read my own experience with the review site. As most first-time gamblers I too had no idea how to choose the safest casino and who to ask for advice. When one of my friends mentioned the existence of online review sites I was more than happy to use their services and let them help me with the difficult and dangerous decision I was going to make. turned out to be a good one to start with and honestly it never crossed my mind that the review site can be a fake one. Today I am too well aware of all the scam review sites that you can find online but at that moment I simply was happy to do what was advising me to. Therefore I chose my online casino from the list provided and made my deposit. To cut the long story short the casino was a scam one and before I realized that and started making attempts to close my account and withdraw my money it had already taken more than 50% of my initial deposit. I am glad that I was able to save at least that much of my money but I cannot let things stay that way. It is against all I believe into. That is why I have been writing and posting negative reviews about the casino for the last week but here I want to speak about was the reason I was scammed and robed by one of the worst online casinos. The website pretends to be all helpful and assisting in your quest for the perfect online casino but the truth is is working with those same scam casinos it is supposed to protect you from. Do not believe a world has to say about safe online gambling and find your help somewhere else.
fernando torres 3 reviews
Jul 16, 2014 -
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A corrupt review website
- As everything in business and sometimes in life today even review sites that are supposedly there to help you against online scams are choosing the money over the truth. Recent research made about some of the gambling review sites that are showing signs of dishonesty has shown that some of them are earnestly working for the other team. Betwithbitc is the king among them. The site has freely decided that it is easier and more profitable to be paid by the sites they supposedly review than to be of real service to the gambling community. In other words Betwithbitc is engaged on posting positive reviews about scam websites and is shamefully lying to its visitors. My own bad experience with Betwithbitc site began when I started to read more carefully its posts. Up to that point I had not much of a relationship with the site and was only listening to what my friends had to say about it. I quickly became aware of the fact that its reviews were too good to be true and a quick Google surf proved my point. Betwithbitc was positively reviewing long proved scam casinos that most gambling review sites will not bother even to mention. But Betwithbitc seems to be happy to post reviews about them and propose them to online gamblers as the perfect choice for their time spend online. They must be very sure in themselves to risk their own reputation by promoting online scams. However thanks to their false information many online gamblers have been badly burned and scammed by casinos that see nothing bad in robbing others. Betwithbitc is playing a dangerous game and slowly becoming a joke among online gamblers. If you still doubt this please go and read some of their carefully designed reviews – have you ever seen something so perfect? Betwithbitc is clearly trying to convince you to make deposits and bet with unsafe casinos and is probably getting a good bonus for every scammed gambler. If you still need to believe in the good in people look for it somewhere else because Betwithbitc is here simply to help scam you.
roy gagiesti 3 reviews
Jul 10, 2014 -
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Yet another FAKE / SCAM review website
- In theory a review website is supposed to post positive and negative reviews about the product or service it reviews. In theory an online casinos reviewing website is supposed to be of great service to the Bitcoin gambling community. All those suppositions and customers’ expectations mean nothing to sites like Betwithbtc. The site claims to give unbiased reviews of multiple online Bitcoin casinos. So far I have read so many fake reviews there that I am surprised Betwithbtc is still existing and working. The reviews are obviously paid for from the same scam websites they supposedly review. Once you read one of them it is as if you have read them all. All reviews praise and recommend same of the biggest online casino scams. All you need to do is go somewhere else and find real reviews about the same websites. Betwithbtc is probably trying to establish false “good reputation” for those casinos in order for them to attract new customers. Scam online casinos use different tactics to rob their customers of their money. Closed accounts unexplained loses cheat software are only some of them. We are so used to be scammed that we are always ready for it. The Betwithbtc website is a new invention. It actually recommends you scam websites for you to be robed. In other words a scam recommends you another scam. It is sad to see so much potential and work thrown out just to scam others. A legitimate review website certainly gives more satisfaction. I ask online gambling community to unite against this scam website. It is time for us to stop it from spreading false information. Who knows how many more people will fall victims to its fake reviews. Do extended online research before joining any of the websites reviewed by Betwithbtc. Be aware of the danger of being scammed and look for actual and true information about the online casino you are going to use. Most gamblers want simply to enjoy few hours a day playing and betting online. Thanks to websites like Betwithbtc that can be quiet a complicated and dangerous business. If we are going to lose our deposits every time we make one then better stop playing altogether. Stay away from Betwithbtc and its five stars reviews they are all scam.
Colombus Harichi 2 reviews
Jul 3, 2014 -
CH Country
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Fake review website!
- When people seek the service of a Bitcoin casino reviewer they expect to find a tool that they can use for the decision they have to make. Choosing a safe online casino is not an easy task. We all know that!? A review site is a place where people not only read reviews but are also able to leave their own comments and ratings. The first time I visited BetWithBtc site I thought that I have found a very useful website that I can use during my multiple gambling escapades. I had no idea how wrong I was. BetWithBtc is feebly trying to post both positive and negative reviews but one look at the site and you will see that the two-three negative reviews posted there are only for show. BetWithBtc has obviously the goal to promote gambling websites and not to rate and review them. That is a very bad thing as it is supposed to be a reviewing site. But it seems that BetWithBtc has a different view on the matter. They probably get paid by the casinos they review through some well hidden ways and get a good percentage of the money those casinos scam from their customers. I for example never listen to what BetWithBtc has to say but before even finding about this particular website I was scammed by one of the casinos they review. As soon as I sow that such scam casino was positively reviewed by BetWithBtc I knew that something was very wrong with the website. The casino I speak about lured me into making a deposit made me lose most of my Bitcoin and in the end closed my account with all that was left inside. I was never able to withdraw my money and they gave me no explanation at all why that was happening. So if a website like BetWithBtc says so nice things about that scam casino what can I think about it? In my opinion this is a scam that is promoting another scam. If you want to save your money stay away from BetWithBtc and the online casinos it says good things about.
Wendy G 3 reviews
Jun 18, 2014 -
IL Country
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Fraudulent review website report!
- is a review site which is apparently the home of the best Bitcoin Poker Bitcoin Casino and Bitcoin Gambling news reviews and links. I have been gambling online for years and I can say in all honesty that this is all a bunch of bs. This is a place that is trying to make you think that casinos such as Cloudbet and Bitzino are perfectly trustworthy. This is a complete joke! These and some other casinos are incredible scammers which close accounts rig their software and never respond to support emails. A fake review site is easy to tell. It is easy to assume that the information posted on there is real but it isn’t. A fake review site always looks the part and often claims to offer an impartial (yeah right) view on online casinos and perhaps even comparisons of those casinos. The difference between a fake and a real review site is that the “reviewer” on the fake site has never used the services of any of the casinos they are reviewing. Also the reviews are usually written by only one person and they are completely made up. Some of the reviews may be based on a clever marketing strategy or whatever and they are usually funded by the rogue Bitcoin casinos themselves. The reviewer – usually a one man band get a commission from the casinos whether you actually click on the link on their website or not. The best reviews will belong to the casinos that pay the most money in commissions. Fake reviews can be for anything out there whether tangible or not but when it comes to Bitcoin casinos this is completely ridiculous and outrageous. There are plenty of ways to avoid becoming victim to fake reviews and hopefully the reader knows how.
Notella Girushin 3 reviews
Jun 12, 2014 -
IL Country
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- All online casino players should know by now to be extra careful when choosing the site where they intend they gamble their bitcoins. One way to avoid fraudulent sites and scammers is to extensively search the web for reliable information and reviews about the many casinos available in the web. A piece of advice that I can give to fellow players is to avoid BetWithBTC because most of the sites that it endorses are scammers. I know this for a fact because I have played on some of those sites and they have ripped me off so this really makes me wonder why BetWithBTC continues to endorse them. I also know that I am not the sole victim of those sites that I am talking about as I have seen numerous complaints and reports about their sneaky ways of stealing money from their players. They do these by not processing withdrawals by closing accounts with remaining balances and by not giving the right amount of payouts. These complaints can be found in other review sites and forums. Therefore BetWithBTC have access to them too so it comes to question why BetWithBTC have never given those complaints some weight when they endorsed these casinos. If you have noticed BetWithBTC is also working in partnership with a few casino sites like bitZino Bit Spin and Cloud Bet. Do you think that a review site can be unbiased if it is affiliated with some casinos? I do not believe so. They will always have good words for these casinos because they are bringing them business. Therefore any positive review that they give to their partners should be taken with a grain of salt. To avoid being misled by their flowery reviews always check out other sites and see what other people have to say about these casinos. You will be surprised that there are complaints about them too. If you want reliable information about the bitcoin casinos that you intend to play on go to review sites that are not in partnership with any of these casinos. Further remember not to get your information from just one site. There are many review sites forums and discussion boards in the internet that you can visit and join. Collate and compare all the information that you will get from these various sources. Only then can you make a more confident decision whether you should trust a casino or not. If you cannot find enough information then move on and try other casinos. The point here is avoid the risk. Bitcoins are worth a lot these days so do not gamble away all those money on unreliable sites like those endorsed by BetWithBTC.
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