Blockchain Poker

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    Jurek Walowski 2 reviews

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Scam rigged

  • Im not great or even good player but what I saw on this site is out of this world. Hopefully will never visit this site again.Bad beats happen but on this site it is normal for you to loose on bad beats. You kind of surprise when this not happen but they have to make it looks legit. Its all fixed like wrestling. Youll keep loosing till you stop. Only time youll win its when you by chance sit with players like you and are lucky enough. Many players are sites employees and no way youll beat them.
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    Jack 1 reviews

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2and1/2 Big Blind bets preflop- 25% bigger then pot continuation on flops and massive overbet on turn or river. 95% of the time n

  • Ive been an off and on player on this site for 6 years. Ive talked to support found bugs in the beginning that I DID NOT exploit but I could have. I have many many accounts on this site all older then 5 years. Ive screen recorded most of my game hours playing here for proof of some of the things im going to tell you. Instead of doing a dialogue I will just list the events as Ive written them in emails to myself over time. Its a long list and after the list is done Ill tell you why I continued to play after so many years and different things happened. So here it is. 1. The first big I found erased my chip balance in a hand I did not play but was reviewable. On my screen the table was frozen for 3 or so minutes. On the reviewed hand I made a bet then flat called and then checked and when the bet came around to me to call i shoved. I contacted support and they said the algorithmic server likely glitched on replaying a hand that had very similar cards/players and betting patterns . They then gave me back what I had before the screen froze(13000000 btc Sats) They also gave me 1000000 BTC Satoshi for informing them. And explained they dont pay bounties for people finding bugs. 2. I was playing at a Bitcoin cash table and I had A7. Heads up game and opponent had 8:10 the flop comes J10 8 and the heads up opponent did what all the heads up opponents do at the high limit tables and was massively over betting the pot and I took a chance and pushed all in and the turn came and it was Ace and the river came and it was another Ace but as soon as the turn showed an ace my hand changed from A7 to 3 7 and I ended up losing although I would have sucked out for five grand I replayed the reviewable hand and it only showed my cards after the river came but on my screen recording you can see clear as day I had Ace seven. 3. In the beginning I wanted to help the site gain popularity so I made 40 or so affiliate accounts and put $10 worth of bitcoin on each of them and gave them to poker players in local games and at different poker rooms in casinos in tunica Mississippi but I still managed to keep about 10 of them just because I quit giving them out after the first couple incidents happened so Like I said I have many accounts that I play on this site with and I would also I forget the password or lose the authenticator app or buy a new phone or something. Heres where the problem came in I would find the login details tucked away in a different email I use and Ill try to log into an account that was mine and it would say that it was the wrong password and I contacted the support and you know they said that theres no way they can prove mine and wouldnt recover it for me although I had all the URLs from the very first logins and all other associated proof that it was mine but they wouldnt help me recover it and the two that I needed help recovering were two that I had about a Bitcoin on each of them. But when I lost access to my main account that Ive had from the very get-go they were able to recover for me and then more recently I had a poker friend who needed his account recovered and although it wasnt mine they gave it to me both of the accounts that they helped me recover didnt have any money on them. I was going to keep going with the list but Ive got like 12 emails to myself on different issues and so I just gave you the most important ones off the top of my thinking cap and now for the reason why I still play on the side or still played on the site that I knew was a scam well its easy because Im my own person nobodys going to make me play in somebody that I dont want to play with what I think is a cheater and since I think that all of the box sitting at those tables or cheaters I wouldnt play with any of them so what I would do is strictly play with friends you know we would make a table and meet there a couple times a week online because some of us were out of town or for whatever reason couldnt need to play like we usually did. But theyre always be you know a guy that left so somebody would sit down and you know I never thought that they got on there as people because somebody would come in and they would talk and they would get in with us to where we would let them come back and play and then I would get on and notice them sitting or I would get on about I would notice that they would get on right after. The bedding patterns are 90% exactly the same two and a half times the big blind for pre-flop most commonly sometimes six times the big blind pre-flop and continuation bets were a 85% guarantee to an all-in with all the other cards out there they would always massively over bet on the turn or the river.. Point is this site needs legal reprimandI have screen recordings emails incident chats with fellow players. Ive won too. I won $13000 in an hour with a $1600 buy in and I cashed it out fine. I never got more then 2X my buyin before losing to a set up hand ever again.
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    Joe 1 reviews

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Stay away from there

  • Stay away from there! They will scam you for your money!
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    oldrounder 4 reviews

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Amazing support team

  • Amazing support team. For the fist time my deposit went missing on this site today. It was a small amount after reading all the negative reviews was not expecting it back. Still wrote an email to support.They added the missing amount to my balance the very same day.Ps. been playing on this site for almost year never faced any issues apart from one mentioned above which was taken care of.
  1. J

    Jurek Walowski 2 reviews

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This is a second review for this site

  • This is a second review for this site. It is still very bad. I cannot count the number of times I have shoved with AA preflop and been called by some random 2 cards that make 2 pair by the river...or running cards to make 4 to a st8 or flush. I am now at 2 years and 500k hands. Most recently I lost a large chunk of change having full houses of all hands. Now quads might be expected maybe 1 or 2 of those hands but no I lost with a FH 6x to quads in a short period. Does anyone know the statistical probability of that happening with a full house 6x in a row?There are of course still mystical newbie accounts that will call large preflop bets with poor drawing cards (not even pockets) and make it a large percentage of the time against premiums. I might also talk about starting cards. It is not unusual for players to get JJ KK QQ AA etc several times over just 1 hour and you the tight player and folder to be folding your unsuited large gapping 93s Q3s J5s etc for hours at a time. After 5 hours of play you have AA or AK. Either they will fold or youll get action and be dominated. That is regular fair at this site.
  1. J

    Joe 1 reviews

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is an ok site if ur just going there…

  • is an ok site if ur jus6t going there to learn but i would never depoist here there is no live support or live chat would u relly wanna put ur money there if u dont get ur withdrawal there is no way to plead ur case and ur basicly screwed
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    ali 5 reviews

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just banned for multiple accounts

  • just banned for multiple accounts never had it been playing nlh in the last 15 years never seen things like this never deposited a single satoshi maybe this is the problem? right now ive almost 30 dollars in btc/ xec... no words. no documents needed for subscription no rules a ridicoulous algorhytm a ridicoulous field and when they decide theyre enough with u they simply push you off.stay away
  1. J

    Jack 1 reviews

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Dont come anywhere close to this site

  • Dont come anywhere close to this site. As a bait they might let you win some. But will make sure money stays with them. Soon as you win you will see alot of players all of a sudden sitting down on the table so they can try and win back the money. Multi accounts and colluding is normal on this site wouldnt be surprised if they can see the cards too. There is a reason why they dont make players sign or agree to any terms and conditions low rakes to attract people but in real they make money by cheating players.
  1. S

    Silk 2 reviews

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The developer and his buddies…

  • The developer and his buddies multi-account at the tables and you can see how many viewers are watching. This number includes players. So you can tell when there are people with multiple accounts at the table. I had an account banned for WINNING yet they say I was cheating. I definitely wasnt cheating. I was playing a table with two others and I was the only viewer so the other two accounts originated from the server. CHEAT SITE STAY AWAY.
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    john 2 reviews

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Problably the worst algorithm out…

  • Problably the worst algorithm out there... pure garbage chip leader will take you with any 2 cards 7 out of 8 times. It can be even worst than 888 and thats pretty hard.
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    oldrounder 4 reviews

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Pretty rigged for chip leader

  • Pretty rigged for chip leader. I recorded a session where the chip leader pushed 9 all-ins in a row with any two cards and won with trips flushes and full houses against AA KK QQ and AKs... I asked him if he was a super user and he just continued to withdraw money from the tables.
  1. J

    Jack 2 reviews

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Rigged for action

  • Rigged for action? Too many suspicious hands...
  1. E

    Edmund Wigmore 2 reviews

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Fine but not RNG dealing

  • Low stakes are fine but undoubtedly not true RNG cards. Clearly some algorithm to allow for more frequent big hands. Trips are a frequent hand happening maybe once every 4 hands (way more often than real cards). But they will be beaten by a straight 80% of the time. Thankfully never deposited any money as there are clearly issues with withdrawing. But if you want an authentic poker experience this isnt the place. Encourages bad poker such as chasing hands and going all in when youre behind the opponent only to be frequently rewarded with hitting youre 1 out in the whole deck. You dont win hands unless you 100% have the nuts.
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    Gerard Moreira 5 reviews

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  • I thought I had to come give a good review because I saw all the bad reviews and yet Ive made some money playing at Blockchain.Poker its 100% legit the people saying its a scam just are unlucky. Its poker it involves luck. Fromcobbsaladluv
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    Gonçalo Mergulhão 4 reviews

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Ive been playing poker for 15 years…

  • Ive been playing poker for 15 years and Im willing to bet my life that there is at least one super user playing here. I have never had an experience where I get constantly folded when I have something call all my bluffs bet the right amounts to make me fold or call. I watched this guy play 14 other people and its the exact same. He raises 6x every pre-flop and overbets a lot of pots. Im yet to see him losing against anyone. Ive never suspected anyone of seeing cards but this guy is so obviously cheating. Just think of it. Small anonymous crypto poker site having poker God crushing everybody with insane win rate. This poker site entices you with low rake only to scam you with super users.
  1. E

    Eduardo Moutinho 5 reviews

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Basic poker site

  • A basic poker site with instant deposits and withdrawals. Would benefit from more traffic to the site.You can create your own poker table with edit options for buy in/password etc...
  1. T

    Tom Pembroke 1 reviews

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Very sus poker website beware

  • This poker website is absolutely using bots. I can easily make multiple accounts on here and play against other people. The security of here is virtually nonexistent. Don’t trust the creator also he’s a well known scammer.
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    someone null 9 reviews

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This poker website is absolutely using…

  • No offense to those saying this is a scam but in reality you are most likely a losing player and bad beats happen. I myself have won money here started with 0.105 bch about $50 at the time and left with 0.8 bch about $430 at the time. I too have suffered incredible bad beats here but in reality anywhere you play online poker you will see bad beats more often than live because of how many more hand you play. Overall a nice site with a great and simple easy to play design.
  1. P

    Pkr 1 reviews

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No offense to those saying this is a…

  • So again due to being under investigation now this place is a major scam! I have video footage taken on different days. Of same types of hands being beat by with BS kind of calls. The only kind of calls that an operator would know was a for sure win! Save your time and money and don’t drop or spend anything here. They will rob you…they allow a player using 4 accounts to sit at the same table.
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    2deuceseven7 12 reviews

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I have video and will be posting it soon

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    Paul Hit 2 reviews

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    Mike Jenson 1 reviews

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    John 1 reviews

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    Mike 7 reviews

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Mychoice casino is a social casino where you can play casino games for virtual credits. The site is only designed for entertainment so you won’t win any real money on the site.May 16, 2024

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